Structure of Coalition

Bylaws of Coalition

I. Coalition

The Coalition shall be named Queen City (QC) Community Connect Coalition


II. Mission

To unify, equip, and empower CHWs to serve Mecklenburg County communities.

III. Values

Unify, Equip, Empower

IV. Purpose

The purpose of the Coalition is to support the work of the Mecklenburg County CHW Initiative and to unify CHWs across organizations in a collaborative forum by creating an environment that equips and empowers those to serve Mecklenburg County communities.


The Objectives of the Coalition:

  1. Convene CHWs in a collaborative forum that nurtures workforce and professional development opportunities.
  2. Increase public and professional recognition of community health worker expertise and contribution.
  3. Equip CHWs with relevant resources by sharing active health and social services that serve Mecklenburg County communities.

V. Membership

Mecklenburg County CHWs, Aspiring CHWs, and CHW allies. 


VI. Membership Expectations

•          Attend meetings on a regular basis

•          Share initiatives/ideas/concerns and assure that others are invited to do the same 

•          Make recommendations and help carry out Coalition initiatives

•          Recruits new members and help sustain the Coalition 


Time Commitment: 

Attends Coalition meetings and major events (if applicable).


Ascribes to mission, goals, and bylaws.


VII. Meeting Governance

Bimonthly meetings will be scheduled on every other 1st Tuesday (unless otherwise stated) for an hour and fifteen minutes at 11 AM – 12:15 PM.

Ad-hoc/subcommittee meetings will be called and led by the Chair of the designated committee(s). Ad-hoc/subcommittee work must be brought to the Coalition body for review and voting.

No quorum is necessary to conduct business for general and ad-hoc/subcommittee meetings.


VIII. Decision Making

Quorum (or a simple majority of the Governing Board and voting members) is required to pass a vote at the meeting by way of members being present and/or participating electronically. At least two-thirds (2/3) of affirmative votes from eligible voting members must be achieved to indicate that a decision has been made.


IX. Structure

The Coalition will consist of at least one Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary. At large members (i.e., Special Advisors) may be added to expand capacity, if needed. Individuals from member agencies that serve in these roles (i.e., Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary) will be elected by the membership of the Coalition.

Elections shall take place by majority vote when quorum is achieved by the membership of the Coalition via in-person and/or electronic vote. Members of the Coalition may nominate themselves and/or any other member (so long as they meet the requirements to serve as an officer of the Governing Board – see Section X). At large members (i.e., Special Advisors) can also be appointed by those elected to the Governing Board and/or by the membership of the Coalition. These officers will make up the Governing Board and will serve for a two (2) year term. 

The nominating period is February through March of every even year. The slate of the officers will be presented to the Coalition by the end of March.

Eligible members will vote for officers at the Coalition General Meeting in April or by electronic ballot during the week of said meeting.

Incoming officers will be mentored by outgoing officers May-July following an election. The Coalition ’s structure and bylaws will also be reviewed by the incoming officers for an opportunity for revision (which should then be presented to the general Coalition body – see Section XV). 

Installation of officers will take place at the Coalition General Meeting in August.


X. Criteria for Election of Governing Board Officers 

•          Member must identify as a CHW (by definition – see American Public Health Association’s website) and perform most core roles (as outlined by the CHW Core Consensus Project), who primarily serves in Mecklenburg County. 

•         Member must be present at Election Meeting.

•         Member must be in good standing and have attended four (4) of the six (6) general meetings prior to election meeting.

•         No person’s name shall be added to the election ballot without first obtaining consent.

•         No members shall hold more than one office at a time, and no member shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as an officer.

•         Voting shall not be exercised by proxy.


XI. Governing Board Officers and Duties 

The Governing Board is charged with, but not limited to setting the agenda at meetings, determining which items need voting on, serving as liaisons to committees and coordinating public communications. Other duties may be assigned by the SAC member organization.  

1 ) Chair
Role Description:

•         Maintains and/or expands current CHW membership with assistance from Collaborative Coordinator 

•         Serves as liaison for Ad-hoc Committees and assists Committee Chairs with committee agendas (as needed)

•         Serves as Moderator of CHW Coalition meeting 

•         Represents the CHW Coalition in the community (with Collaborative Coordinator)

•         Consults with Collaborative Coordinator as needed 

•         Promotes collaboration, conflict resolution, and decision-making 

Time Commitment: 

•         Two-year availability 

•         Governing Board meetings, major Assembly activities and other committee meetings as determined. 


•         Ascribes to mission, goals, and bylaws 

•         Be a CHW serving in Mecklenburg County, NC

•         Possesses strong leadership and organizational skills


2 ) Co-Chair
Role Description: 

•         Presides over Committee meetings in the absence of the Coalition Chair 

•         Assumes the role of Chair in the event of the Chair’s inability to complete responsibility or term

•          Serves as Moderator of local CHW Coalition meeting (as needed)

•         Represents the Coalition in the community 

•         Consults with Chair as needed 

•         Performs other duties as directed by the Chair

•         Promotes collaboration, conflict resolution and decision-making  

Time Commitment: 

•         Two-year availability 

•         Governing Board meetings, major Assembly activities and other committee meetings as determined.


•         Ascribes to mission, goals, and bylaws 

•         Be a CHW serving in Mecklenburg County, NC

•         Possesses strong leadership and organizational skills


3 ) Secretary
Role Description:

•         Maintains and/or expands current membership with assistance from Chair and Collaborative Coordinator

•         Take minutes from Coalition and Committee meetings 

•          Reports Committee activities to Governing Board and Assembly 

•         Develops Coalition agenda with assistance from Chair and Collaborative Coordinator  

•         Serves as moderator of Coalition meeting as needed

•         Represents the Coalition in the community 

•         Consults with Collaborative Coordinator as needed 

•         Be open to diverse opinions and points of view 

Time Commitment: 

•         Two-year availability 

•         Governing Board meetings, major Assembly activities and other committee meetings as determined.


•         Ascribes to mission, goals, and bylaws 

•         Be a CHW serving in Mecklenburg County, NC

•         Possesses strong leadership and organizational skills


XII. Appointed Officers and Duties

Special Advisor (Appointed Role)
Role Description: 

•         Assists the Governing Board with any additional tasks and stepping in (should someone from the Governing Board need to step down during the two-year tenure)

Time Commitment: 

•          Unlimited availability. Time commitment is contingent upon availability and need.   

•          Attends Governing Board meetings, major Coalition activities and other committee meetings as determined. 


•          Be a CHW serving in Mecklenburg County, NC

•          Ascribes to mission, goals, and bylaws 

•          Possesses strong leadership and organizational skills


XII. Committees

Ad-hoc committees will be assigned at the discretion of the Governing Board.


XIV. Removal/Termination of Officers


Members of the Governing Board, members of the SAC, and/or the Collaborative Coordinator reserve the right to remove an elected and/or appointed member of the Governing Board at any time by unanimous vote if that member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the bylaws and policies of the Coalition and/or member organization. Further, members of the Governing Board, members of the SAC, and/or the Collaborative Coordinator reserve the right to expel an elected and/or appointed member of the Governing Board should the member be found to consistently participate in an undemocratic, negligent, disruptive, and/or offensive behavior.


XV. Amendment of Bylaws

The Coalition bylaws may be amended or repealed with approval from two-thirds (2/3) of the membership, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous general meeting and reviewed by the Governing Board.